23 October 2020
on the 21 of October 1966 many young lives were taken from Pantglas school but we still remember them so this year on the 54 anniversary we still remember those that we have lost with some of our members attending and laying wreaths to remember those we have lost but we have not forgotten them they shall stay with us in our hears and minds and if we still remember them they will never be gone. We found young people & new members of our community know of our story and our sadness but they don’t know the full history. Our TEAM TOUTH FACTOR believe we are the generation who will need to ensure the lives lost that dreadful day are never forgotten. This year ( 54th anniversary ) Lloyd Davies our Youth Chair, laid a Wreath at the annual 9.15 service as a statement the children of the future will never forget the children of the past. In 2020 the year of lockdowns and pandemics. We are marking their memory by planting a community orchard launched with 144 Tree. we also want to thank Sian's Flowers for creating an amazing wreath for us visit her at https://www.siansflowers.co.uk/